What Do You Love About WordPress?

If you are someone who shares the same enthusiasm for the WordPress platform as we do, then Matt Mullenweg is probably one of the people you follow. If so, you must know that yesterday, Matt posted on his blog, some news about the Testimonials page on WordPress.org. More specifically, since […]

Matt Mullenweg Joined Cape Town WordPress Meetup

Matt Mullenweg, who turned 32 on Monday (January 11) recently went to Cape Town , to join the local WordPress community meetup and chat about all things WordPress. Here are some highlights from the talk: WordPress.org vs WordPress.com Matt talked about the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com. WordPress.org is the […]

State Of The Word 2015, What A Super Year It’s Been!

At the end of every year, Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of WordPress, holds a speech in which he highlights that year’s accomplishments as well as what can be expected in the future. This year, the State of the Word 2015 speech was held at WordCamp US – the first and […]