Matt Mullenweg Joined Cape Town WordPress Meetup

Matt M

Matt Mullenweg, who turned 32 on Monday (January 11) recently went to Cape Town , to join the local WordPress community meetup and chat about all things WordPress. Here are some highlights from the talk: vs

Matt talked about the difference between and is the open source software where you can host your own blog or website. is where you’ll find the free WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server. is developed by Automattic ( the web development corporation founded by Matt Mullenweg) and takes care of all of the hosting for you, without you having to download software, pay for hosting or manage a web server.

Matt compared open source software to a city

Open source software is computer software whose source code is available for modification or enhancement by anyone. But Matt made a very interesting comparison. He believes that open source is more like a city than a product or a company. A company will always have more restrictions as opposed to a city which is “open” to everyone.

“That’s what’s cool about an open source. You can make it not just like a product or like a company, but more like a city, where there’s good guys, there’s bad guys, there’s crime, there’s WordPress Police.”

His relationship with TinyMCE

Despite past controversies and difficulties encountered along the way, Matt didn’t give up on implementing the WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE (Tiny Moxiecode Content Editor).

“I feel like my relationship with TinyMCE has grown so much, especially over the past few years.”

You can watch the video here, to find out more.

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