
August 2016 Roundup | CaptainForm

The last month of summer is almost over but not before we share our monthly highlights. A lot of improvements and developments have been done “behind the curtain” so stay tuned! We’ve also done a lot of planning and preparing and you’ll see why at the end of this blog post. […]


Are Your WordPress Popup Forms Disturbing or Converting Visitors?

You offer great products or services and you provide quality content  but the majority of your visitors still leave without subscribing or returning to your website? How can you prevent that from happening? Popup forms are the key to grabbing their attention and keeping it. However, more than occasionally one […]


WordPress 4.6 “Pepper” Now Available for Download

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest WordPress updates, then you surely know that WordPress 4.6 , named “Pepper” in honor of jazz baritone saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III is now available. Released last week, the new version of WordPress brings cool new improvements such as: Streamlined Updates→ […]