WP Polls Plugin-  5 Smart Uses

If utilized correctly, polls will add value to your WordPress website or blog, helping you increase interaction with your visitors or customers. From NPOs to eCommerce websites, polls can benefit basically any organization. Read on and find out how you can use a WP Polls Plugin to create polls for many different purposes and maximize their benefits!

Polls for Non-Profit Organizations

For a NPO, connecting with the user community is a very important aspect. Gathering useful information and feedback from them, is also purposeful. Polls are a great research tool. A WordPress poll plugin allows you to easily and quickly find out what your visitors want to see on your website. Additionally, you will understand how you can improve user experience.  When creating a WordPress Poll with CaptainForm, you can choose to enable/disable visitors from viewing reports after submitting the poll.     

Polls for eCommerce websites

You want to spot new trends, get business ideas or learn which areas of your business you should improve? Ask your customers the right questions and find out how you can keep them coming back. Are they satisfied with their past purchases? What would help enhance their experience on your website? Create a poll with our WP Polls Plugin and use it to pick their brains and increase loyalty.

Polling for educators

Educators can use polls as a daily part of their class to stimulate conversation and increase interaction but also as a tool for assessment of the educational progress. After a difficult topic, getting fast feedback from students will help the teacher know if the lesson was clear enough and if the class managed to absorb the new information correctly. Moreover, students can give feedback on the teaching strategy.

Educators can also use polls as a tool for finding out students’ or parents’ opinions on certain matters such as new courses, classroom activities or decisions. With CaptainForm, you can easily add the poll on your main communication channel, whether it is a website or a social media platform. Find out how to add a poll on WordPress using CaptainForm.

Polls during webinars

Engage your attendees with polls. You will be able to understand your audience, gather feedback from them and stimulate interactivity. Learn about their knowledge level and adjust your content delivery to meet their specific needs. They will be coming back for more.

An internal communication tool

Give your employees the option to voice out their opinion in matters that involve them, find out how they feel about work or discover potential issues they might have. Consider their feedback when making future decisions.  CaptainForm allows you to create reports of the information you have gathered from your WordPress poll and customize your report to turn the data into a pie chart, data table or simply see it as a text.

These are just some of the many purposes polls can be used for. Let us know how you use them on your WordPress website or blog in the comment section below.

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