WordPress Users Survey Part II

Three weeks ago we presented Part I of our WordPress users survey where we looked at how do users choose which plugins to install for their website. Now, the second part of that same survey will look at where do users sit in regards to form builders on WordPress. This […]

Influencers, Get Your Hero Plan!

Now that CaptainForm, our WordPress form builder, has emerged out of Beta, plans are not free anymore, so we’re organizing a 1 year Hero Plan giveaway for influencers interested in testing our plugin. If you are an influencer, all you have to do is tweet this article and mention @CaptainFormWP inside […]

CaptainForm, Our WordPress Form Builder, Has Emerged out of Beta

After more than two months of gathering incredibly valuable feedback and improving daily, finally, CaptainForm has emerged out of Beta, ready to empower your website with WordPress forms. And coincidence has it we’re launching on the 5th of November. Do you remember something about this day? It has a familiar […]

WordPress Users Survey Part I

How do WordPress users choose plugins, where do they get their news, how do they learn how to use a plugin and where do they go if they had questions regarding that plugin? This was our mission – to find out more about WordPress users. Our experience in the WordPress […]

You Give Us Feedback. We Reward You.

We want to thank all those who helped us get CaptainForm on even a better track. Our plugin got some great new improvements that wouldn’t have been possible without your contribution. Our goal is to offer great user-experience and completeness of features to the WP community, so we’ve decided to […]