Default Values for WordPress Form Fields – CaptainForm WordPress Plugin

Use default values for your form fields to help your form users to complete the online form faster. Although text boxes and text area field types accept any type of values, field such as Name, Date or Time have a specific pattern. To add a default value, go to the Form Editor, select the field and use the Default Value input box in the edit panel, on the left. Some form fields support special default values, designed only for them, such as:

  • Name → The default value must contain a space character to determine the First- and Last Name. The number of space characters depends on the number of subfields you have enabled.
  • Date → Use TODAY to display the current date, YESTERDAY to display the day or TOMORROW to display the day after the current date. If you want to display a certain date, use the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on the format you have selected for your field.
  • Time → Use the 12-hour clock format and the values AM or PM to change the timezone. Example: 12:45 PM. You can also type NOW to display the time users access the form.