How to create a contact form with reCAPTCHA?

With CaptainForm building a contact form with reCAPTCHA verification is easy. Start by creating your contact form from blank or use our form templates. Now that you have create your contact form, it’s time to enable the reCAPTCHA functionality. This is done by returning into the Form Editor and clicking the verification box, below the form layout. Afterwards, hover on the left side of the layout and select the option reCAPTCHA.

You don’t need to worry about finding a save button. All changes within the Editor are automatically saved, so once you have selected the option to use reCAPTCHA on your contact form, that’s it. From this point on you can safely publish your contact form with the reCAPTCHA verification box located on the bottom side of the form. Your form respondents will just click the checkbox to successfully submit your contact form.