Managing Email Notifications from your WordPress Form – CaptainForm WordPress Plugin

The Notifications section is where you set up email notifications that you and your form users receive after each submission. This section is divided into two categories: Form Owner Options and Form User Options. The Form Owner Options part is where you edit the messages from the email notifications that you receive after each submission, but also some other options. You can:

  • add multiple recipients to your form;
  • create and customize email templates;
  • add a copy of the email notification to PDF;
  • send and receive messages through SMTP;
  • track your forms in Google Analytics
  • exclude empty fields and unselected checkboxes in the email notification by the form users;
  • receive notifications by SMS each time a new submission is made on the form.

The Form User Options part is where you edit messages received by the form users (if enabled) and the way the form behaves on submit. You can:

  • create custom autoresponders;
  • email form users with a copy of the email notification;
  • apply different redirects on form submission.