How to print form submissions?

If you want to print a single submission from your form, go to your Submissions section, click on the respective submission within the table and hit Print in the lightbox that shows up. If you want to print more form submissions, click on Print in Submissions, select in the lightbox the option that serves your needs best and print.

Print Submissions You can choose to print each submission on a separate page, for better profiling. Case scenario: Your form has a substantial number of fields, which makes it hard for you and your partners to distinguish a submission from another one after print. With the option Print each submission on a new page you and your partners can rest assured that the submissions will be easy to read and file. To use this option, go to SubmissionsPrint and select Print each submission on a new page. In the dropdown area choose your desired option:

1. Include form title on first page: If you want the name of the form to appear only on top of the first page.
2. Include form title on each page: If you want the name of the form to appear on top of each page.
3.Do not include form title: If you do not require the name of the form to appear on either of the pages.